Herbal Healing Inc. Organic Turmeric Root, Ground

Organic Turmeric Root, Ground

$10.95 CAD
$10.95 CAD

40 g Certified Organic Turmeric Rhizome

NOTE: Order preparation and shipping is done every Tuesday.
Availability: In Stock
Product Information
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the rhizome of a plant which is in the same family as Ginger. It is one of the commonest food flavourings and colourings in Asian cuisine. The flesh is a bright orange and dries to a deep yellow-orange color. Turmeric adds the familiar color to most blended curry powders.
Health Values
Turmeric stimulates the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, and uterus, normalizes energy flow, and has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects. It is used internally for digestive and skin complaints, uterine tumours, jaundice, liver disease and menstrual problems. Externally it may be used for injuries, sores and ringworm.
Suggested Uses
An essential ingredient of curries and curry powder, yellow coloring agent, mustard, Asian and Indian cooking.
Ground Turmeric.
Taste and Aroma
A pungent, bitter, astringent herb with a characteristic smell and deep yellow colour.

40 g Certified Organic Turmeric Rhizome

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Herbal Healing Inc. Organic Turmeric Root, Ground

Organic Turmeric Root, Ground


Organic Turmeric Root, Ground



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$10.95 CAD