Nettles (Urticaria dioica)
Part Used: Leaf
Effective Forms: Tea, Tincture, Capsules
Spring Tonic - Nettles is a mineral rich tonic and is thyroid balancing for fatigue. It is used for inflammatory skin conditions, is alkalizing and is a widely applicable astringent.
Nettles have many vitamins including C, as well as serotonin, histamine, acetyl-choline and minerals including iron, calcium and silica.
Nettles are high in Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is stored energy of the sun. It is the green colouring matter of plants and is a catalyst that speeds or maintains a reaction. It promotes granulation tissue in healing of wounds and tissue building. It acts as an anti-oxidant in body metabolism and enhances the effects of vitamins and minerals. To plants, chlorophyll is what hemoglobin is to the human body.
Nettles strengthen natural resistance and is anti-rheumatic as it eliminates uric acid from the body. It is a specific in bladder infection formulas, including cystitis and kidney infection. Nettles inhibit prostate activity and is helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Nettles are a blood tonic or cleanser which favourably changes the character of the blood and lymph to detoxify and promote renewal of blood tissue.
It is a hypoglycemic herb which is an herb with the ability to lower blood-sugar levels – of value in diabetes mellitus.
It helps to cleanse mucous for asthma relief and lung congestion and as an anti-haemorrhagic and powerful astringent, Nettles are effective in arresting mild to moderate internal bleeding. It is excellent for reducing the frequency and severity of nosebleeds as it strengthens the blood vessels.
Other uses for Nettles is iron deficiency anaemia, acute gout, Pregnancy (Nettle and Raspberry leaf tea for iron and calcium), chronic skin disease, bleeding of stomach, bowels, lung and womb, lobster and other shellfish allergy, strawberry allergy and external burns (1st degree) and hair fall-out (tea used as a rinse).
Capsules: 6-8 daily.
Tea: Infuse 1 teaspoon (2 g) in cup of boiling water. Infuse 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 3 times daily.
Tincture: Dose 2-6 ml in water, daily.
Diet: Cooked and eaten as spinach; add to soups, stews, etc.
Nettles are available at all of the markets as a bulk herb, as a tincture and are included in the following teas:
Part Used: Leaf
Effective Forms: Tea, Tincture, Capsules
Spring Tonic - Nettles is a mineral rich tonic and is thyroid balancing for fatigue. It is used for inflammatory skin conditions, is alkalizing and is a widely applicable astringent.
Nettles have many vitamins including C, as well as serotonin, histamine, acetyl-choline and minerals including iron, calcium and silica.

Nettles strengthen natural resistance and is anti-rheumatic as it eliminates uric acid from the body. It is a specific in bladder infection formulas, including cystitis and kidney infection. Nettles inhibit prostate activity and is helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Nettles are a blood tonic or cleanser which favourably changes the character of the blood and lymph to detoxify and promote renewal of blood tissue.
It is a hypoglycemic herb which is an herb with the ability to lower blood-sugar levels – of value in diabetes mellitus.
It helps to cleanse mucous for asthma relief and lung congestion and as an anti-haemorrhagic and powerful astringent, Nettles are effective in arresting mild to moderate internal bleeding. It is excellent for reducing the frequency and severity of nosebleeds as it strengthens the blood vessels.
Other uses for Nettles is iron deficiency anaemia, acute gout, Pregnancy (Nettle and Raspberry leaf tea for iron and calcium), chronic skin disease, bleeding of stomach, bowels, lung and womb, lobster and other shellfish allergy, strawberry allergy and external burns (1st degree) and hair fall-out (tea used as a rinse).
Capsules: 6-8 daily.
Tea: Infuse 1 teaspoon (2 g) in cup of boiling water. Infuse 10-15 minutes and drink 1 cup 3 times daily.
Tincture: Dose 2-6 ml in water, daily.
Diet: Cooked and eaten as spinach; add to soups, stews, etc.
Nettles are available at all of the markets as a bulk herb, as a tincture and are included in the following teas: